The World’s Most Haunted Hospitals – out now!

The World’s Most Haunted Hospitals – out now!

Boy, what a month! I don’t know about you, but the weeks since Christmas and New Year have flown by for me. I’ve had the house exorcised by a Catholic priest (don’t ask – that’s a story for a future book!) and have been planning my trip to London next month, where I’ll be spending a week in the very haunted prison for witches known as The Cage. That investigation and historical research should form the basis for a future book, to be co-written with Cage owner Vanessa Mitchell, detailing the terrifying goings-on behind those anonymous-looking old walls.

But first there’s Monday the 25th of January, for tomorrow as I write these words (and as most of America sits glued to the return of The X-Files) is the official street of The World’s Most Haunted Hospitals. Amazon USA has been shipping a number of print copies early, so it has already found its way into the hands of some customers, and at least one eagle-eyed reader spotted it on the shelves of a bookstore in California; the 25th, however, is the official publication date, which means that it should be available throughout most markets.

It was a challenging book to research and write. Much as I’d love to be independently wealthy and travel around the world investigating haunted locations, the demands of a full-time job and several part-time ones precluded that. Although I did visit some of the hospitals in person, for others I had to rely on interviews with those who had put boots on the ground there themselves. So many people generously allowed me the benefit of their time and expertise, ranging from doctors and nurses to paranormal investigators and urban explorers. I wanted to give the reader a sense of what it felt like to walk through those haunted hallways themselves, poking their flashlight into the many dusty nooks and crannies, and at the same time to gain an appreciation of the historic nature of those houses of healing.

I truly hope that I have succeeded. Please drop me a line via email ( to let me know what you think of the book. If you are feeling particularly generous, I would greatly appreciate it if you could please rate the book on Amazon, as this is immensely helpful to its visibility.

As ever, dear reader, thank you for supporting both myself and my work. I am extremely grateful to have you on my team.


The World's Most Haunted Hospitals by Richard Estep

2 Responses

  1. Hi Richard, l live in Minnesota and was wondering in your investigations of hospitals, was any research done on the Anoka State Mental Hospital? I am curious if there are any stories of that institution. It has been turned into a correctional facility and now on the grounds a Senior housing community has been built. Thank you so much in advance.

    1. Hi Georgene, I haven’t heard of any, but I would very much like to know more about it. That’s quite the interesting history that the place has!

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