The Hanging Pit

The Haunting of Bodmin Jail

In the middle of 21st century England lies an old building that has been scarred by tragedy, suffering, and violent death. Built by prisoners of war more than two centuries ago, Bodmin Jail and the land around it have been the site of more than fifty hangings. Thieves, murderers, highwaymen and rapists all died at the end of the hangman’s rope, with many of their bodies being buried within the jail grounds. It is unsurprising, then, that the jail has its ghosts. Even today, the restless spirits of those who breathed their last at Bodmin Jail still roam its hallways, lurk within its cells, and prowl the dank underground chambers. Join author Richard Estep (TV’s Haunted Hospitals, Paranormal 911, and Haunted Case Files) as he and a team of fellow paranormal investigators uncover the secrets of this historic, haunted jail…

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© 2025 by Richard Estep