
Sightings and Investigations of the Iconic Flying Cryptid

Two paranormal experts examine the history and sightings of one of America’s favorite flying cryptids.

The world was officially introduced to the Mothman in 1966 when a sighting of a large black creature with glowing red eyes was reported in the Point Pleasant Register. Ever since, the winged humanoid has captivated the world.

Richard Estep and renowned Mothman researcher Tobias Wayland document first-hand witness accounts and conduct investigations of the sightings with the hope of seeing the famous flying cryptid themselves. Their discoveries include large concentrations of sightings in the Chicago and Lake Michigan area which allude to where the mysterious Mothman may reside and travel.

Mothman is a collection of creepy encounters of a large flying cryptid with menacing red eyes that every witness never forgets. Explore the fascinating files from investigators who have searched for the mythical Mothman.

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© 2025 by Richard Estep