EVP file recorded at The Cage

EVP file recorded at The Cage

As the cycle of radio, TV, and other media interviews for my forthcoming book “Spirits of The Cage” begins to ramp up, one of the aspects of that particular investigation that I like to mention is an EVP that we recorded in there.

For those not in the know, The Cage is an old cottage located in the little village of St Osyth, England. During the late 1500s, it was used to incarcerate those poor souls who were accused of practicing witchcraft. Conditions inside the brick prison could best be described as squalid and brutal, not to mention cramped. Some of those locked up in The Cage were hanged after what passed for a trial in those days, and there are those who say that something of their energy lingers inside the place to this day.

I spent five days living in and investigating The Cage early last year, along with fellow paranormal investigators Stephen Weidner, Caroline Skelly, and Lesley Bridge. Stephen and I flew in from the United States on a Saturday morning and went directly to St Osyth, where the owner of The Cage, Vanessa Mitchell, nervously gave us a tour. We were the only three people in the entire building at the time.

Stephen and I were running digital voice recorders throughout our stay. We had been inside the freezing-cold building for no more than ten minutes when Vanessa led us upstairs. It was dark and gloomy up there, and as we were approaching the upstairs landing, I asked Vanessa whether there was a light up there.

Before Vanessa had a chance to answer, the voice of an old woman seemed to do it for her. None of us heard it with our own ears, but on playing back the audio files from the digital recorders, Stephen and I found that we had both captured the same thing on each of our recorders. Have a listen…

You can hear the raspy voice of an old woman saying something that sounds a lot like “Yes, in the bathroom.” Then you hear Vanessa speaking, much more clearly. On this file, the voice has been looped several times at the end so that you can hear it over again.

So the question remains: whose voice is it? The overly-skeptical may claim that this is simply a random series of noises, which is on the face of it pretty ridiculous. Nobody else was in the house. None of the three of the flesh and blood occupants sounds like that, and none of us heard anything at the time.

To my mind, this is one of the more impressive pieces of evidence that I have gathered on an investigation.

If you’d like to learn more about our investigation of The Cage, “Spirits of The Cage” will be published in September (USA) and October (Europe) by Llewellyn Worldwide, and is now available for preorder from major retailers.


4 Responses

  1. Hi Richard,

    I was at Dragoncon this year and attended your 2:30pm panel on Monday for The Cage. Your presentation was awesome, you are very down to earth, informative and captivating. I purchased the book from you at the con and have just finished reading it.

    I very much enjoyed the book, it was hard to put down. The spirits who suffered in The Cage deserve their story to be told.

    Thank you for the wonderful book and thank you for attending Dragoncon. Hope to see you next year at the con!

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Thank you for the kind words! I very much appreciate it when people take the time to sit through one of my presentations or spend their hard-earned money for one of my books. I’m also very glad that you enjoyed Spirits of the Cage. It was a fascinating case to work on and I get the feeling that the story of that haunted old prison isn’t quite finished yet — and may not be for many years.

      Could I possibly impose on you to leave a review for the book on Amazon.com? It would be immensely helpful in bringing the story to a wider audience.

      Thank you once again for engaging with me and supporting my work. I hope to see you at Dragon Con in 2018 — if so, please drop by and say hello 🙂


  2. Hello, I find the paranormal to be most interesting. Do you think that some tv shows are embellished. My son has a paranormal group in Massachusetts. Have been on many investigations with him. He of course is skeptical about what is on TV. None of his experiences have been that dramatic. Yes there are EVP’S or mysterious sounds. I believe that experiencing the paranormal can also be an inherited trait. As I have experienced it and so has my grandmother. My son is always trying to debunk instances. How do we know if it is real! Will we ever know.? I heard you on Coast to Coast! Great show. Thank you for your time!

    1. Hi Judy! Most if not all paranormal TV shows are embellished in some way, shape, or form. Most of a paranormal investigator’s time is spent quietly waiting for something to happen, which really doesn’t make for exciting TV 🙂 You may well be right about there being an inherited component when it comes to sensing or experiencing paranormal phenomena. Thanks for the kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed the show. Best, Richard.

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