Adventures in psychic mediumship

Adventures in psychic mediumship








Over the years, my relationship with psychic mediums has been, it is fair to say, somewhat mixed.

When I first started out investigating claims of the paranormal back in the mid-90s, I openly scoffed at such claims. I’m a little embarrassed to admit that now. In my defense, I ran into a parade of, shall we say, rather ‘colorful’ characters, none of whom had a hit rate that exceeded (or in many cases, even approached) that of random chance. Most of them seemed to be motivated by a desire to be the center of attention  on each investigation, and when pressed on their claims, became increasingly vague and light on the verifiable facts. 

As time wore on and I relocated to America, however, I began to encounter a few mediums whose work genuinely impressed me. They were few and far between, and I still ran into a few delusional (sometimes out-and-out fraudulent) ones, but most seemed to be genuinely good-natured people who believed they had a gift that was not of this world. 

I’ve often thought that it must be incredibly frustrating for those who genuinely have psychic abilities. There is a belief from others that the ability can be switched on and off with all the ease of flipping a light switch, and along with it goes the unreasonable expectation that the quality of spirit communication should be crystal clear and high-definition, the equivalent of watching a 4K Ultra TV with surround sound…when the reality of it is that most genuine mediums seem to deal with general impressions, symbols, indistinct images, and auditory fragments. 

Perception versus reality. No wonder some of them are hesitant to talk about their gift. 

During my recent investigation of Fox Hollow Farm, former home of the serial killer known as the I-70 Strangler, I received an offer I couldn’t refuse. The owner, a man named Rob, insisted that he knew of a very talented psychic whose readings were so accurate, they had reduced a friend of his to tears. 

How could I possibly say no? I met with the psychic, a very nice chap named Brian, during a break in our investigation, and spent half an hour getting a reading from him. The end result was that he nailed a number of aspects of my personality and personal life with uncanny accuracy (including such things as specific work habits) that he should not have been able to gather by conventional means. My books and social media presence might offer some clues into my personal life, but none of the information he provided is freely available on the Internet. 

I decided to include some of his predictions in this blog post, not only for posterity, but so that I can revisit it in a few years to see how many of Brian’s predictions actually came true. So, with no further ado, here we go. <B> is the psychic, <R> is me. My comments will be in (brackets). 

<B> You are on this mission of teaching. Your destiny revolves around educating people on so many different things. Some of them, you don’t even realize right now.   

(I have taught many aspects of emergency medicine for the past several years, and lecture quite a lot on the field of paranormal research). 

<B> With your writing, publishing, investigating, your biggest success will come in helping people to connect the dots, in educating them. Make sure you have complete confidence in your creations. 

<R> In what way? 

<B> Have confidence that you’re doing the right thing. Sometimes you want to figure out where you’re going before you get there. (True, but who doesn’t?) Let that go and trust that you’re on the right path, especially in the next three years. Doors will be opening for you left and right. You have a lot of projects going on right now, and they all involve you TEACHING people. It’s not like you’re just this fan-crazed ghost hunter; you actually have a mission to teach people about what it is that you’re doing. That’s your deeper purpose. 

(I do try to educate the reader with every book that I write; many of them are my own attempts to understand strange things that have happened by putting them into words). 

<B> Your mind is constantly, always on the go. It’s racing right now. (True and true). I know you’re trying to accomplish many things right now, but give yourself enough time to complete things. Don’t start one thing on top of another. (This is probably my biggest self-defeating bad habit. I have no less than ten book projects in various stages of research and development right now, with the next one due in to the publisher in ten days time and others in the earliest planning stages. I have a very tough time focusing on just one project to the exclusion of all others). 

<B> You are climbing a ladder to a success story. You really will be walking through a lot of doors, but I feel that sometimes you get scattered and start too many things, one on top of the other (Again, right on the money) and you become very stressed. (Absolutely true — in fact, unfinished projects are one of my biggest sources of stress). 

<B> Stop. Worrying. About. Outcomes!

<R> Easier said than done…

<B> I know 🙂 You need to learn to go with the flow. 

<R> Who is giving you these messages? 

<B> Your spirit guides, or angels. We’ll talk more about them later. You’re a huge visionary. By that, I means you have visions about where you want to go in life.  (True, but again, don’t we all?) You do a lot of daydreaming, and you should be writing these little visions down, because that’s setting your direction. 

<B> With your teaching, you really just want to help people understand what’s out there — and you will. Over the next two years, you will be having awakenings over your projects. You’re going to be finding the deeper meaning behind them, by which I mean that you’ll think you are doing a project for one reason, but when you get to the end you’ll realize that it was actually for a completely different reason. That will attract a lot of people to you. There’s a lot of stuff that’s coming up for you that’s really good, but you aren’t meant to know the specifics right now. Big time. 

<B> You will receive all of the proper support that you need from the divine. That goes along with releasing your attachment to outcomes, worrying about how thing are going to turn out, and I promise you shit’s gonna be flying into your lap from left and right. Miracles will be happening out of nowhere. See, you like to see things coming, but with this stuff, you’re not going to see it coming, but it’s gonna be GOOD. You’re really on the right path. 

<R> So just focus on the work and let the rest sort itself out? 

<B> Yes. YES. 

<R> That’s a hard thing to be asked to do 🙂 

<B> It’s really not, once you surrender to it and do it. I’m not saying that you’re controlling, but you really just want things to be smooth and be okay in the end. That’s why you over-think and become very over-analytical (true). RELAX. 

<R> Okay. 

<B> Your angels like to communicate with you through colors. You may feel drawn to certain colors sometimes, so pay attention to that. The colors they keep showing me are orange and blue. (I’m not a Denver Broncos fan, but blue has always been my favorite color). 

<B> I feel like in 2019, you’re going to be traveling EVERYWHERE…you’ll be going to all sorts of different places, and now is the time to start setting stuff up.  (Correct — 2019 trips are on the docket for Cornwall, Scotland, Texas, Utah, Iowa, Gettysburg, Massachussets, a revolutionary war-era fort, Chicago…and it’s not even 2019 yet). 

<R> In what way ‘setting stuff up?’ 

<B> Doing research and preliminary investigation. Really pay attention to the places that you are feeling drawn to (that’s how I pick most of my book projects) and trust those instincts. They really want you to start now. Now’s the time to start planning ahead, for next year…don’t dive deep in, just start jotting down ideas for places you’ll be going. 

<B> They keep saying you’re really adorable, and you need to love that about yourself!  (Not everybody would agree with that, I’m certain). 

<R> Let’s not inflate my ego any more 🙂 

<B> But you really are, you’re really a good person. They want you to understand that you work really hard to try never to offend anyone or make them feel like they’re less than you (Generally true) especially with the work that you’re doing, in a field where so many people just think that they know everything, and that they’re very egotistical assholes. Continue to practice that integrity. You do really well with that, trying not to ever really offend people. 

<B> Now they’re kind of opening up. What questions do you have for them.

<R> Uh, several. First one: I teach and practice medicine, in addition to teaching about the paranormal. Right now I’m auditioning for a paranormal TV show. If it comes down to me having to make a choice between my vocation, and taking a chance on the uncertainty of a TV show, which is the right road for me to take? I dread having to make that choice, if the offer gets made, because I see TV as being less worthy than medicine. 

<B> They do want you to stay with the medicine, but I feel like something else is going to come about with the TV show as well. I feel that there is something else in the works as well. I don’t know if the paranormal gig is going to be as demanding as you think it is, or if something else is going to happen. The months you need to watch out for are September and December of 2018), 

(In actuality, the full-time show I was auditioning for was not picked up by the network. I did shoot part-time on two other TV shows, Haunted Case Files and Haunted Hospitals. At the time of writing, October 7th, I am waiting to hear about an audition I just did for another TV show…an audition that I shot in September…) 

<R> Do you have any messages from friends or relatives on the other side for me? 

<B> There are some standing off in the distance but none of them are stepping forward right now, to be honest. I think that’s because this session is just about helping you connect the dots and the transitions/decisions you are making in your life right now. I do see three women, who are kind of here for moral support, and I have two men. (My mother and all three of my grandmothers are dead. My father and all three of my grandfathers are dead. Yes, I said ‘three’ — I was a step-kid). One of the women does feel like she’s from your father’s side and two feel like they’re from your mother’s side. The women almost feel like grandmothers or an aunt (I have one deceased great-aunt). I keep asking them to step forward, and they’re saying “Not at this time.” (Thanks, guys…) 

<R> The angels, guides, or whatever they’re called, must know my personality, which means they know that I always maintain a healthy degree of skepticism. Rob had told me that you had given a friend of his a message that was so specific, she couldn’t possibly doubt anything that you’d said. Is there any similar piece of information that they could pass through you that would evoke that level of certainty for me? 

<B> They want you to pay attention to squirrels, bluejays, and also cardinals. 

<R> Okay…(puzzled) 

<B> Those are spirit messengers for you. Do you see them often. 

<R> Squirrels, sure. The birds, I have no idea. They can’t give you anything more specific? 

<B> It doesn’t work that way. 

<R> As a paranormal investigator, I’m always going to ask…

<B> That’s perfectly fine. They’ve said what they wanted you to know at this time. Your main thing is still going to be to do the work, go with the flow, stop worrying about the outcomes, and know that you’re on the right path…

So, there you have it. All good news, and a fascinating experience. Check back with me at the end of 2019 and we’ll see how things developed…

Until next time,


4 Responses

  1. Just finished reading “Haunted Healthcare.” GREAT read! So I did leave a 5 -star review on Amazon.
    I am intrigued by this article on your blog. I was especially helped by your comments on what ‘real’ psychics get from a reading. I find it frustrating that sometimes I get ‘guy’s that take MY breath away, let alone the person I’m talking with, and other times I have to say, “I’ve got nothing.” I was a pastor for over 30 years, and channeled all my energy to that work. Since I’ve retired, some interesting new things have opened for me, and your book really helped me think through trying out some abilities that I didn’t have a framework for in that profession. So thanks. I need to go read your Gettysburg book now😃

    1. Hi Sandra, thank you for the kind words. So glad that you enjoyed HH. I appreciate the review a great deal. I have a lot of sympathy for psychics (the genuine ones, at least) because most of us have an expectation that they can flip some kind of mental switch and turn the talent off and on again, with no more difficult than we would have in switching on a light. I’m very much looking forward to hearing your thoughts on my first Gettysburg book. Best wishes, Richard.

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